Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
Allfaculty | All faculty members |
Announce | Our Community - please only make posts of truly general interest. |
Astro-Ph | A mailing list for anyone interested in the Astro-Ph discussion |
Broadcast | General Astronomy Department Announcements |
BU_PyCon | Semimonthly Boston University Python Conference |
BUAS | Boston University Astronomical Society |
BUAS_Webmaster | Webmaster of the BUAS site |
Bugs | Astronomy Systems Managers |
CSP | Center for Space Physics members. |
CSP_Faculty | The faculty of the Center for Space Physics. |
CSP_Grad | Graduate students in the Center for Space Physics. |
CSP_Res_Assoc | CSP Researchers |
CSP_Seminar | Those interested in the CSP seminar announcements. |
DCTusers | DCT observers |
DIAD | D'Alessio Irradiated Accretion Disks users |
EDGE | Espaillat group |
Faculty | Members of the Astronomy Department faculty. |
Grad | Astronomy Department graduate students. |
Gradlife | Grad student social list |
IAR | Members of the Institute for Astrophysical Research |
IAR_Faculty | Institute for Astrophysical Research Faculty. |
IAR_PI | Institute for Astrophysical Research Principal Investigators |
IAR_Res_Assoc | IAR Research Associates |
Lowell | [no description available] |
LowellPartners | Lowell Observatory Partners |
LUMA | [no description available] |
Maintain | Maintenance list for Astronomy, CSP & IAR machines |
MuirheadShop | Phil Muirhead Group |
Nightlab | [no description available] |
Part-time-faculty | Part time Astronomy faculty/lecturers |
Postdocs | CSP & IAR Post-Docs |
Research_Scientists | Research Scientists in Astronomy, IAR, and/or CSP |
Seminars_other | CSP/IAR seminar announcements |
Staff | Staff members of the Astronomy Department. |
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